Friday, 12 October 2007

Are people who advocate the free use of marijuana 'social nihilists'?



Paula said...

Your son was a victim, and now you are too? I have some sympathy but also expect few people will listen to you unless you at the very least supply more details about your son, including the relationship he had with you. That is crucial and there is no context at all here so readers have only your biased words and thoughts, and cherry-picked data that supports only your view. My first somewhat uncharitable
thought upon reading them is that your views and actions quite possibly contributed something to your son's suicide.

This is because I am appalled that you fail to understand that there is nothing simple about causes of suicide. Your claim that cannabis was the cause is risible, and leads me to conclude you certainly do not deserve the audience you crave. Perhaps you need to scrutinise your own motivations more fully - I suggest you examine your own conscience first - before launching into the blogosphere and banging your drum at others who have long ago sorted out their motivations why they support some form of CLR, or at the least rational sane debate.

In fact you appear so irrational it will be interesting to see whether you even allow my comment onto your forum.

Natalie's Life said...

Your sons' suicide is NOT because of marijuana. Jim Anderton uses the same argument for his daughter's suicide.

Anderton is now the Drug Czar in the Government. His argunment is not sustainable, nor his yours.

If cannabis were legalised, you would have had more options in treating your son's so-called addiction. Because of the illegality of cannabis in New Zealand, people are treated as criminals (because taking, selling, buying drugs is against the law).

Your son would have been better off living in the Nethelands where suicide rates are ONE QUARTER of New Zealand's. Ask yourself why, and you'll find ONE of the answers which you can blame the outcomes of your son's choice in taking his own life.

People kill themselves in different ways. Anorexia is one way (a mental illness), deep depression, stress, etc.. are others.

Your son was smoking cannabis NOT for pleasure like adult New Zealanders, but because he had a lot to deal with (which he obviously didn't share with you) in his young life.

It's not the drug that killed him, he killed himself.

Any governmental policy, whether it be
'tightnening' the rules on dogs or
'tightnening' the rules on party pills or
'tightnening' the rules on the age of sexual consent, or
'tightnening' the rules on the age of driving,
CAN NOT be made on emotional basis.

Evidential facts will always be best practice in deciding what's best for our society.

NZnative said...

Paula said...

"In fact you appear so irrational it will be interesting to see whether you even allow my comment onto your forum"....

Well Paula ... Your comments are still here for all to see and to judge how you could have any empathy with those countless Kiwi parents whose children's drug use leaves them in despair.

In your busy role of promoting marijuana use as a Forum Moderator for NORML

you appear to be unaware that you are severely under the influence of the dreaded cannabis weed.

NZnative said...

Natalie said...

"Your sons' suicide is NOT because of marijuana. Jim Anderton uses the same argument for his daughter's suicide."

Well Natalie .....when you made these offensive comments you could never have dreamed that your dope smoking partner and active marijuana advocate 'Blair for Mayor' would be competing with Jim Anderton for Christchurch's Mayoralty in 2010.

Blair's blogspot statement .....

"I see my symbolic stand for Mayor as raising awareness of the uncivil consequences of drug prohibition and all that represents."

should ensure that many of the 896 voters from 2007, will waste their "DOPEY" votes again in 2010

You appear to be a barren female who has substituted her natures intended role of parental love and care, for a relationship with dogs.

Most parents with children with drug problems reading this blog will feel sorry for you and your perverted viewpoint.

As Bloggers, both Paula and Natalie have a long history of promoting illicit marijuana use in various other forums as is demonstrated here by their obvious agenda bias.

By personally attacking any individuals who choose to express an opinion that is in conflict with theirs they unwittingly indicate the degree to which they have become trapped by the allure and hence choose to cop-out by using mind altering substances.

As previously stated, our agenda for this Blog is to warn other unsuspecting families that marijuana/cannabis use is highly likely to impose unforeseen problems and difficulties for many children.

Anonymous said...

My condolences for your loss but cannabis prohibition doesn't work and we all know it.

Cannabis is one of the oldest, safest medicines known to man and is proven to shrink and destroy some cancer tumors. Why aren't we studying this? Why is human research banned through US "treaties" worldwide. The answer; corruption and money.

Education is the key. One must communicate with one's children and be involved in their lives.

Cannabis has it's risks, but it is a benefit to humanity and I doubt very much that cannabis caused the suicide of anybody. There were obviously other underlying factors.

As the truth about cannabis becomes more widely known it is becoming impossible for people to use fear and lies to manipulate the public.

Oh, and someone who advocates "head in the sand" prohibition more closely resembles a "social nihilist" than a cannabis advocate.

I mean, come on man. What are you thinking? Do the research and try to put your personal tragedy behind you.